The Dolphin Trilogy Reiki System
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki
Dolphin energy and Reiki are very similar, both being filled with rainbow light emitting the vibration of love and joy. Dolphins are adept energy healers and are happy to work with Reiki. Dolphins help to clear energies and activate our light bodies, they also enhance telepathy and intuitive abilities as well.
Dolphins also help us activate our pineal gland and hold more light in our auras. They help us awake more fully to our divine inner wisdom and ground more fully into the divine earth consciousness.
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki is a wonderful system that uses the love and wisdom of Dolphins and Orca Whales to heal the mind, body and spirit. It is particularly effective at helping with emotional problems such as addictions, depression and feelings of being separate ot incomplete. This energy can soothe the sadness of the soul by helping us release past trauma, forgive ourselves and others, and finding our own truths.
There are Three Levels to the Dolphin Trilogy Reiki.
- Dolphin Healing Reiki : Level 1
- Orca Empowerment Reiki: Level 2
- Dolphin Crystal Reiki: Level 3
Dolphin Healing Level 1
This is the first level of the Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. You use the Dolphin Reiki breathing techniques to centre yourself and connect with the energies of the Dolphins. You will learn to circulate the life energy throughout the physical and energy body and it helps to transform suppressed negative patterns from the cellular memory and reprogram the cells, therefore opening the blocked energy pathways increasing vitality.
Orca Empowerment Reiki Level 2
This is the second level of the DolphinTrilogy Reiki System. Orcas are the largest member of the Dolphin Family and the Orca encourages healing by releasing the memories, using deep breathing techniques and communication through sound.
Dolphin Crystal Reiki: Level 3/Master
This is the third and final level of the Dolphin Trilogy Reiki System. The magnificent energy of the Dolphins combines with powerful crystals to form an integrated whole healing system that heals at a variety of levels.
The Course includes full attunements, manuals and certificates upon completion.
No previous healing experience required.
All three levels are taught separately and can be taught face to face or by Zoom with physical attunements where we will be at various locations around the Country throughout the year.
Please contact us for available dates.