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Simply Feeling Good

Usui Reiki Level 2

Usui Reiki Level 2

84 Reviews

What You Will Learn

This is a one day professional course, accredited and recognised by IPHM.
Course Fee - £125.00


Usui Reiki Training Level 2

Have you completed your level 1 Reiki training and want to progress? If so please read on.

Completion of Level 2 qualifies you as a Reiki Level 2  Practitioner and permits you to work as a professional healer if you choose to. 

Reiki level 2 enhances your energy from level 1 and deepens your healing on an emotional and mental level, as well as the physical body. Level 2 Reiki connects you more deeply with your Reiki practice through the three Reiki symbols and you become increasingly in tune with your own intuition. Distance healing is also discussed and how it is different from hands-on healing, along with information about setting up your own practice.

Reiki Level 2 will give you the tools to clear and balance energies of the past and future. You will receive three sacred Reiki symbols. These powerful symbols can be used to energise your body, clear past lives or trauma, and magnetise positive energy for the future. You can apply the Reiki level 2 symbols to cleanse your home or office, empower your business cards or website, and send Reiki for successful public speaking events and more.

Why Study Reiki Level 2?

Reiki level 2 doubles your energy from level 1 and deepens your healing on an emotional and mental level, as well as the physical body.

You access a deeper understanding of the chakras to strengthen client healing.  You also learn manifesting tools using Reiki symbols.

Completion of Level 2 qualifies you as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner and permits you to work as a professional healer if you wish to.

Our Reiki course covers all of the level 2 basics. 

You will be attuned to the Level 2 Reiki energy, gain 3 sacred Reiki 2 symbols, their meanings and how to use them for Level 2 healing;

Scan, cleanse, and balance the aura and chakras for energy.

Harmonise emotions and thoughts of the past, present and  future. Learn the principles and practice of distance healing, learn to send Reiki across space and time.  Manifest and empower goals using Reiki. 

Practise to use all of the 3 sacred Reiki 2 symbols.

There are symbols for concentrating the energy and power into a certain place, harmonising and balancing, mental and emotional healing, healing and opening emotional and communication blockages,

surrounding and filling yourself with energy, balancing your energy fields and energy centres (chakras);

You will also be learning hand positions and practising Reiki Treatments,  how to treat yourself and friends, professional conduct and ethics. 

You will also be given your Reiki lineage showing your training is a direct descendant of Grand Master Mikao Usui;

Certification qualifying you as Reiki Level 2 professional healer;

A  manual of the Level 2 training and you will be certified in the 2nd Level Certificate of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki as a Reiki Level 2 professional practitioner.

Who is eligible for Reiki Level 2 training?

Reiki Level 2: Course Investment £125.

Etchinghill Village Hall
St Marys Drive
CT18 8NQ

Can also be taught via Zoom with attunements given face to face at a mutually convenient time. Please contact us for available dates

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Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Dolphin Reiki Healing Level 1, 2 & 3

Crystal Healing

Unique Soul Healing

Foundation & Practitioners program

Learn about Ascension Workshop

Learn about Angel Workshop

Learn Angel Tarot Workshop

Learn about Psychic Development

Angel Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Fitness & Nutrition Health Workshops

Nutritional Information for Diabetes

Crystal Sound Healing

And much more in the coming months as we grow


Usui Reiki Training Level 2

Have you completed your level 1 Reiki training and want to progress? If so please read on.

Completion of Level 2 qualifies you as a Reiki Level 2  Practitioner and permits you to work as a professional healer if you choose to. 

Reiki level 2 enhances your energy from level 1 and deepens your healing on an emotional and mental level, as well as the physical body. Level 2 Reiki connects you more deeply with your Reiki practice through the three Reiki symbols and you become increasingly in tune with your own intuition. Distance healing is also discussed and how it is different from hands-on healing, along with information about setting up your own practice.

Reiki Level 2 will give you the tools to clear and balance energies of the past and future. You will receive three sacred Reiki symbols. These powerful symbols can be used to energise your body, clear past lives or trauma, and magnetise positive energy for the future. You can apply the Reiki level 2 symbols to cleanse your home or office, empower your business cards or website, and send Reiki for successful public speaking events and more.

Why Study Reiki Level 2?

Reiki level 2 doubles your energy from level 1 and deepens your healing on an emotional and mental level, as well as the physical body.

You access a deeper understanding of the chakras to strengthen client healing.  You also learn manifesting tools using Reiki symbols.

Completion of Level 2 qualifies you as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner and permits you to work as a professional healer if you wish to.

Our Reiki course covers all of the level 2 basics. 

You will be attuned to the Level 2 Reiki energy, gain 3 sacred Reiki 2 symbols, their meanings and how to use them for Level 2 healing;

Scan, cleanse, and balance the aura and chakras for energy.

Harmonise emotions and thoughts of the past, present and  future. Learn the principles and practice of distance healing, learn to send Reiki across space and time.  Manifest and empower goals using Reiki. 

Practise to use all of the 3 sacred Reiki 2 symbols.

There are symbols for concentrating the energy and power into a certain place, harmonising and balancing, mental and emotional healing, healing and opening emotional and communication blockages,

surrounding and filling yourself with energy, balancing your energy fields and energy centres (chakras);

You will also be learning hand positions and practising Reiki Treatments,  how to treat yourself and friends, professional conduct and ethics. 

You will also be given your Reiki lineage showing your training is a direct descendant of Grand Master Mikao Usui;

Certification qualifying you as Reiki Level 2 professional healer;

A  manual of the Level 2 training and you will be certified in the 2nd Level Certificate of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki as a Reiki Level 2 professional practitioner.

Who is eligible for Reiki Level 2 training?

Reiki Level 2: Course Investment £125.

Etchinghill Village Hall
St Marys Drive
CT18 8NQ

Can also be taught via Zoom with attunements given face to face at a mutually convenient time. Please contact us for available dates

Become A Member

Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Dolphin Reiki Healing Level 1, 2 & 3

Crystal Healing

Unique Soul Healing

Foundation & Practitioners program

Learn about Ascension Workshop

Learn about Angel Workshop

Learn Angel Tarot Workshop

Learn about Psychic Development

Angel Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Fitness & Nutrition Health Workshops

Nutritional Information for Diabetes

Crystal Sound Healing

And much more in the coming months as we grow