Simply Feeling Good

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84 Reviews

What You Will Learn


Join Janet for an online Ascension Workshop where she will impart her wisdom on the subject of Ascension. The workshop involves guided meditations, activities and teachings to help you along your ascension pathway. Saturday 28th January 2023 Cost: £15 Zoom Link & Password will be sent on receipt of payment
Become A Member

Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Dolphin Reiki Healing Level 1, 2 & 3

Crystal Healing

Unique Soul Healing

Foundation & Practitioners program

Learn about Ascension Workshop

Learn about Angel Workshop

Learn Angel Tarot Workshop

Learn about Psychic Development

Angel Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Fitness & Nutrition Health Workshops

Nutritional Information for Diabetes

Crystal Sound Healing

And much more in the coming months as we grow


Join Janet for an online Ascension Workshop where she will impart her wisdom on the subject of Ascension. The workshop involves guided meditations, activities and teachings to help you along your ascension pathway. Saturday 28th January 2023 Cost: £15 Zoom Link & Password will be sent on receipt of payment
Become A Member

Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Dolphin Reiki Healing Level 1, 2 & 3

Crystal Healing

Unique Soul Healing

Foundation & Practitioners program

Learn about Ascension Workshop

Learn about Angel Workshop

Learn Angel Tarot Workshop

Learn about Psychic Development

Angel Reiki Healing Levels 1, 2 & 3

Fitness & Nutrition Health Workshops

Nutritional Information for Diabetes

Crystal Sound Healing

And much more in the coming months as we grow