Mercury retrograde 2022 is gearing up for its third round—here’s what to expect
It’s that time again: Mercury retrograde, 2022’s most dreaded astrological event.
Whenever the planet prepares to spin backwards, our heads go into overdrive. We’re stressed about Mercury retrograde effects broken laptops! misplaced keys!—and fearful that we’re breaking up during Mercury retrograde. It’s a headache, to say the least.
Life might seemingly go a bit haywire during Mercury’s backward motion, so beat any fiascos to the punch, particularly those that are tech-related.
Speaking of work, you’ll want to make sure you’re not tackling something new that can potentially throw your workflow off-kilter.
Sign any pending contracts before this cosmic period begins, and make sure you give yourself extra time to get to work each morning, since running late is a big side effect of these vibes
Part of surviving Mercury retrograde, as much as we might hate to admit, is acknowledging that we are part of the problem. Perhaps you weren’t communicating effectively. Maybe you didn’t back up your laptop when you should have. Simmons says it’s all about owning up to missteps in order to grow.
Be accountable for your actions or lack thereof. No matter the planet, a retrograde is a time to rethink, review, then revise how we choose to handle something in our life. In this case, we are being asked to assume responsibility for our communication skills, parts to play in correspondences, roles in interpersonal group dynamics, and even how we travel. So, we may need to assume more responsibility for any faults in such aspects.
However, what we most concern ourselves with during this time—and always—are matters of the heart, especially since our September horoscope indicates that relationships are at the forefront. Conflict with your partner can certainly weigh you down, but there are ways to work through problems if need be.
If you’re having issues within your personal or romantic relationships, try to talk things out before the retrograde begins, but if you find yourself in a conflict during this time, don’t leave your diplomacy at home.
But, above all, remember that Mercury’s motions are not worth stressing about. Truthfully, you’re probably gliding through Mercury retrograde without complications and you don’t even realise it! Don’t let it get the best of you.
Between miscommunication and notes of the past resurfacing, Mercury retrograde tends to make us a bit on edge. But when you start to reexamine its purpose, you’ll realise it’s not as daunting as you might’ve imagined. In fact, it’s actually—dare we say—beneficial!
This is a powerful opportunity to grow and expand, but in doing that you have to reevaluate things. A lot of things from the past come up in Mercury retrograde, and that will kind of freak people out, but it’s only the unhealed things that are holding you back.
Once you can take a look at them through a different lens, you slingshot forward and you’re catapulted into a better timeline, a more healed place.
Sure, no one wants disruptions, but given all that we can learn, we’re not going to let the smallest planet in our solar system cause the biggest disruption. Nice try though, Mercury!
These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Month
You don’t mind it when life gets a little unpredictable, as you enjoy a little chaos, Aries! Your ability to not only withstand the drama, but also manoeuvre it in your favour, will come in handy when Mercury stations retrograde on September 9. Creating discord in your seventh house of partnerships, this month may come with turbulence in your closest unions. You can expect this energy to impact your romantic relationships, your platonic friendships and even your dynamic with your colleagues at work!
While Mercury retrograde may lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings, it will also give you a chance to fix the issues that have long remained unsolved. If you’ve been having the same argument for years and years, this retrograde could really encourage you to come to an understanding and either forgive or move on. This energy may also pave the way for ex lovers and old friends to re-emerge, so keep a lookout for any “are you up?” texts. When a full moon in Pisces rocks your 12th house of unseen energies on September 10, it could lead to a moment of emotional catharsis, but also cause a secret admirer (or even a secret hater) to make themselves known.
You may feel *way* more sensitive than usual this month, Gemini. After all, the sun is in Virgo, which is activating your fourth house of home, family and legacy. You may feel drawn toward your roots as you feel the urge to return to your hometown and reconnect with close kin. However, this transit could also bring up some early childhood drama for you, which is the last thing you’re probably in the mood for. Luckily, if you’re willing to nurture yourself at the base and water your roots, you’ll realise that home isn’t where you come from, but where you want to be.
Is it Mercury retrograde already? That’s right on September 9, Mercury your ruling planet will station retrograde in your fifth house of romance and pleasure. This could seriously reduce your creative inspiration, Gemini, so don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not in the mood to create your next masterpiece. For you, inspiration comes in waves! This retrograde could also lead to a few inadvisable crushes, so be careful who you’re setting your heart on (especially if it’s that flakey flame from your past).
This month is about to be a wild experience from start to finish, Libra. The Virgo sun is currently moving through your strange and psychedelic 12th house, which is cooking up some strange dreams and increasing your level of intuition. This transit may leave you feeling way more tired than usual, so don’t be surprised if you feel like you’re running on less energy than usual. After all, you’re feeling way more sensitive to spiritual vibrations, which is why you should avoid toxic energy—and toxic people—as much as you can.
Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on September 9, which could literally cause a full-blown identity crisis. As Mercury’s backwards tailspin surges through your first house of the self, you may feel like you don’t know who you are and you’re unsure of the person you’re becoming. You may have to remember who you used to be in order to understand your journey on a deeper level. After all, you’ve come so far since then! A full moon in Pisces will take place on September 10, it will shine a light on your sixth house of regimens and routines, which will remind you that confidence isn’t built in an instant; it grows over the course of countless self-care activities and positive affirmations. A plant needs sunshine in order to grow and a person needs love just the same.
This month is gonna be super intense and transformative for you, Pisces. After all, the full moon in Pisces takes place on September 10, which will be a major moment of self-discovery. As this full moon joins forces with Neptune in Pisces, it has a super forgiving energy, so use it to make peace with your past and to hold off on making harsh judgments of yourself. Nobody is expecting perfection from you, Pisces, but they do expect you to be yourself. If you’re feeling the urge to repress your true feelings in order to fit in, it could become a lie that inevitably becomes an even *bigger* lie.
Mercury will retrograde this month, and on September 23, Mercury will re-enter your seventh house of partnerships. This will shine a light on the dynamic you share with the people you’re emotionally involved with, especially if there’s mounting tension that needs to be addressed. As Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 24, you may be faced with the reality that not everything is as it seems, especially if you’ve been overlooking red flags and romanticising an unhealthy situation. Be honest with yourself.